Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Introducing LINQ: Language‐Integrated Query

Problem: Data != Objects
Developers live in two worlds: The world of objects and the world of data. One of the things that makes
developers’ lives more difficult is the impedance mismatch between these two worlds and the
inordinate amount of plumbing code required to bridge the gap between them. For example, we might
want to retrieve customer data from a relational database, display it to the user for updating, then save
those changes back to the database. The traditional approach is to rely on an API like ADO.NET for the
data‐centric operations, potentially sacrificing on type‐safety and compiler syntax checking, and utilize
object‐oriented programming techniques for other parts of our application. Where these two worlds
intersect in our application, we are forced to deal with differences between the SQL and CLR type
systems, how entity relations work, as well as other incompatibilities. Conversely, we may wish to deal
with objects in a data‐centric fashion, filtering, sorting and grouping collections of objects, but this
means we may end up with code that is difficult to maintain because it obscures what we want to do at
a higher level.
The Missing LINQ
Not wanting us to languish in this no man’s land, the good folks at Microsoft, led by Anders Hejlsberg
(chief architect of the C# programming language), have created the LINQ Project. LINQ stands for
Language‐Integrated Query and seeks to make query a first‐class citizen of the programming language.
Microsoft plans to incorporate LINQ into C# 3.0 and Visual Basic 9.0, both of which will be released with
Visual Studio 2008 (code‐named Orcas). By introducing a SQL‐like syntax, LINQ allows you to interrogate
an in‐memory collection (anything implementing IEnumerable), filter the results, group, sort,
transform and perform a number of other data‐centric operations. Take, for example, the following
array of strings:
string[] stooges = { "Moe", "Larry", "Curly", "Shemp" };
With C# 3.0’s new query syntax, you can extract only strings with a length of 5, sort them alphabetically,
and change the results to upper case:
IEnumerable query =
from s in stooges
where s.Length == 5
orderby s
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select s.ToUpper();
In this snippet, from s in stooges indicates that you want to query the stooges collection and
use s to represent each item in the sequence. The select clause determines the data you want
returned and what shape it should take. Here we want to return each element converted to upper case.
The where and orderby clauses, as you might guess, restrict the results to those with 5 characters
and specify an ascending sort. Execution of the query is actually deferred until you iterate the query
results, typically with a foreach statement, or by calling extension methods, such as ToArray or ToList,
that perform the iteration internally (we’ll talk about extension methods in just a bit). The following
statement triggers the query execution:
foreach (string s in query) Console.WriteLine(s);
This produces the following output:
Behind the Magic: C# Language Enhancements
Supporting language‐integrated query is a set of powerful enhancements to the C# programming
language, each of which is useful in its own right, but when taken together provide the basis for LINQ.
The most significant of these is extension methods, which allow third parties to in essence add methods
to a type, thereby augmenting the type’s contract, while still allowing the type’s author to provide his or
her own implementations of these methods. Extension methods are nothing more than static methods
defined in static classes, and (in C#) have the operator in front of the first method parameter. The
System.Linq namespace contains what are called the standard query operators, which are extension
methods that provide the basic functionality of LINQ. The C# compiler, in fact, converts query syntax
(things like from, in, where, select) to extension method calls. One of these is the simplest query
operator, Where:
namespace System.Linq
public static class Enumerable
public static IEnumerable Where
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(this IEnumerable source, Func predicate)
foreach (T item in source)
if (predicate(item)) yield return item;
As you can see, the method accepts a source of type IEnumerable and a predicate of the Func
generic delegate type. We can create an instance of the delegate as an anonymous method:
Func predicate = delegate(string s)
{ return s.Length == 5; };
The Where method simply iterates over the source, returning only items that pass the predicate test.
Because it’s defined as a static method, there’s nothing to prevent you from calling it directly, like so:
IEnumerable query = Enumerable.Where(stooges, predicate);
However, because Where is defined as an extension method, we can invoke it using instance syntax
(note, however, that it’s not really an instance method!):
IEnumerable query = stooges.Where(predicate);
Extension methods are brought into scope when the namespace in which they are contained is imported
with a using directive. However, they are only used if no matching methods with the same name and
signature exist on the target type or its base classes. This lets you plug in your own query operators
which take precedence over those in the System.Linq namespace.
Although you can define the predicate as an anonymous method (or a standalone method for that
matter), C# provides a much more compact syntax, called a lambda expression. If we were to re‐write
our anonymous method as a lambda expression and pass it as an argument, our call to Where would
look like this (notice how the type of “s” is inferred and “return” is left out):
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IEnumerable query = stooges.Where(s => s.Length == 5);
The power of lambda expressions, however, is not just that they are compact (and hence more readable
when passed as method parameters), but they can be compiled as either code or data. When assigned
to the generic type Expression, the compiler emits an expression tree representing the code rather
than IL that would execute the code. Frameworks like LINQ to SQL can then analyze the expression tree
to formulate SQL statements targeting a relational database.
Bridging the Gap: LINQ to SQL, Linq to XML
Besides enabling you to query in‐memory collections, LINQ is based on an extensible architecture that
allows you to plug in a query processing engine to fetch data from any external source. In fact, the first
version of LINQ comes with both these capabilities, called LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML, respectively.
Combining these LINQ extensions, you could retrieve a list of products from the Northwind database,
place the result in an in‐memory collection, massage the data, then persist the output to an XML file, all
without having to translate “foreign” data constructs into CLR objects, while at the same time benefiting
from Intellisense and compile‐time syntax checking. Let’s start by querying relational data using LINQ to
NorthwindDataContext db = new NorthwindDataContext();
IEnumerable prodQuery =
from p in db.Products
where p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages"
select p;
The NorthwindDataContext class derives from DataContext, which does the heavy lifting to
convert the query expression into SQL, execute it against the database, and return the results as a
sequence of Product objects. Where, might you ask, are these classes defined? It just so happens
that Visual Studio 2008 comes with special tool support for LINQ to SQL, including a class designer
(which you get when adding a “LINQ to SQL Classes” item to a project). The designer generates the
NorthwindDataContext and Product classes when you drag the Products table from a data
connection in the Server Explorer onto the class designer. If you bring over multiple tables, relations
between the tables are reflected in the class diagram and become object properties in the designergenerated
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Notice how the where clause in our query references the CategoryName property of the Category class,
which is shown to be a property of the Product class. When you execute this query, LINQ to SQL
generates a SQL statement that includes a JOIN on the Products and Categories tables. The join is
performed by SQL Server, which makes for efficient query execution. You can see this take place by
setting the Log property of the data context to dump output to the console window or a text file.
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Products] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Categories] AS [t1]
ON [t1].[CategoryID] = [t0].[CategoryID]
WHERE [t1].[CategoryName] = @p0
-- @p0: Input String (Size = 9; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [Beverages]
LINQ to SQL also includes support for tracking changes to in‐memory objects, then posting those
changes back to the database, while at the same time maintaining concurrency control. (If you like, you
can also specify stored procedures for the updates.) For example, we can store our product list in a local
collection, change the unit price of an item, then call SubmitChanges to persist the new data back to
SQL Server.
List products = prodQuery.ToList();
Product chai = (from p in products
where p.ProductName == "Chai"
select p).Single();
chai.UnitPrice = 20;
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The ORM functionality of LINQ to SQL is somewhat limited (for example, many‐to‐many relationships
aren’t fully supported and it only works with SQL Server). But the power of LINQ really shines when
combining LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML. We can, for instance, take our list of
beverages, sort them, and save them as an XML file.
IEnumerable xmlQuery =
from p in products
orderby p.ProductName
select new XElement("Product",
new XAttribute("ProductName", p.ProductName),
new XAttribute("UnitPrice", p.UnitPrice));
XElement bevXml = new XElement("Beverages", xmlQuery);
Notice how this code, unlike the DOM API, is element‐centric, as opposed to document‐centric, and that
there’s no need for XPath query strings. Nice. The beverages.xml file looks like this:

[Remaining items elided for clarity ...]

Time to LINQ Up!
There is much more to LINQ than what I have room to cover here. Other C# features driving LINQ are
things like object initializers, anonymous types and implicitly typed local variables. There are standard
query operators that perform grouping, joins, partitioning, union, intersection, aggregation and
conversion, and other functions as well. And while LINQ does not completely resolve impedance
mismatch between objects and data, it is a step in the right direction, resulting in cleaner code that
more clearly reflects the developer’s intention. It also makes you more productive by eliminating much
of the plumbing code you would otherwise have to write, which, after all, is what frameworks are all

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